Projects in Progress

Advancing Health Equity in Nova Scotia by Identifying and Exploring Gaps in Healthcare Delivery

Project "ADDING HEAT" (AD[D]vancING HEAlth equiTy) aims to develop recommendations on how the current system works so it addresses the health needs of people living in Nova Scotia more effectively and efficiently. Different ways to explore existing gaps in healthcare delivery are being used and community engagement happens at every stage.  

Any Nova Scotian who's 16 years of age or older can participate. We’re taking extra steps to engage Nova Scotians who belong to groups that are underserved by the current system because we believe that members of these groups can tell us the most about what needs to change in the health system. 

The project was launched in August of 2024. Prior to this, various underserved groups that members of our team belong to were engaged at a series of meetings where the project was discussed (methods we planned to use; options available for people to contribute, e.g., participants, partners) and informal feedback has shaped how the research is being done. We're trying to involve as many people in the project as possible and to build a foundation for future work. 

Aside from community engagement organizing activities, we're also reviewing resources for healthcare providers to use in delivering more equitable care to people living in Nova Scotia.

Please join us in making the health system better for everyone living in Nova Scotia! You can do a survey and/or interviews. Click the "participate" button below to become involved.

Do you work for an organization that is concerned with the health of people living in NS? Email us to learn more about partnering with us.